Monday, April 26, 2010

Busting Charles Richard Treuter's Innuendos and Outright Lies - 17 TIMES

Firstly, I, The_Ferret, direct my reader's attention to a Blog Posting from Charles Richard Treuter's My Space account and let them read what it is he has to say  (he has now "updated" it several times but below is his original blog post) :

Secondly, I'll now bust through the blatant and false innuendos and outright lies (Am I one very meticulous investigator or what?  Dang tootin' I am!!  And that certainly can't be said for Charles Richard Treuter or his "investigators" and/or "Washington, D.C. high-priced Jewish attorneys/hounds", LOL!!)  

?01 As embarrassing as it may be, I owe the following explanation to my friends on MySpace about the insane posts that my brother (unfortunately), his 'family', and his friend Louise 'Chiffonade' Brescia (Atlanta, Georgia) have made about me over the last few weeks or so. I have received hundreds of emails questioning me about my alleged posts, comments, “racist remarks” and other vile accusations that my brother has posted about me on websites like

BUSTED: Charles, anyone who has done any worthwhile research on you knows that your trolling screen names include your imaginary “friend” Louise 'Chiffonade' Brescia (Atlanta, Georgia). As to Kenneth W. Treuter’s family posting anything about you that is outright and outlandish lie No. 1. It is you, Charles, who has been feverishly posting at different blog sites in the name of Kenneth W. Treuter and your brother Douglas Vernon Treuter...Charles, that is an illegal act and is prosecutable. Best think about it and run it by those Jewish hounds (what you call those lawyers of yours that you boast about as being your wife’s retained lawyers in Washington, D.C.).

?02 The following explanation, along with the 7-page article about Colonel Kenneth Wayne Treuter, Esquire, printed in the Dallas Observer newspaper (link follows) should answer all the questions that you have asked me:

?03 It is characters like Kenneth Wayne Treuter (KWT) of McKinney, Texas, that give the TEA Party a bad name and cause many educated people to look upon the movement with disdain even though they may have sympathy for the group’s goals and intentions.

BUSTED: Kenneth Wayne Treuter is a highly respected member of the Taxed Enough Already Party/Movement, enough said!

?04 Kenneth Wayne Treuter has never been able to hold a job in his entire life. He was terminated from many ‘jobs’, including those as a janitor at a discount store, as a security camera monitor, as a shoe salesman, as a grocery store checker, as a preacher in a Texas church (where he was unceremoniously booted), and as a paralegal at Dallas-based Baron & Budd. Photos are available of KWT running around Dallas costumed as a ‘blood-covered’ Osama bin Laden which led many to question his sanity.

BUSTED: Herein, by means of or via ludicrous innuendos, you are publishing slanderous and libelous lies. Kenneth W. Treuter has never held most of the jobs to which you allude and he has NEVER been fired from any position of employment, unlike yourself who was fired from the S.S. Kresge Co./K-Mart in the 1970s as a store “manager” (when you claim you were a resident student at the University of Houston’s main campus...Outright Lie No. 2 and earning a PhD in Psychology from the University of Texas in Austin, Texas...Laughable to the nth degree and Outright Lie No. 3)...Followed by your being fired from a Drug Store Chain on the eastern seaboard and then another retailer (Marshals in Houston, Texas)...and then several mundane jobs...and then finally a job at an Arkansas correctional institute (where your wife worked and got you the job but unfortunately you didn't pass the required background check and you were fired six weeks after being employed).

?05 A number of photos are available for viewing of Kenneth W. Treuter dressed in a costume portraying Osama bin Laden with a bullet hole in his head. Kenneth was indeed so costumed as an entrant in a Halloween Costume Contest wherein he won a $300.00 prize for his costume. The above referenced photos were taken on October 31, 2001...think about it, Charles Richard Treuter, you moron! Envious much, DocChuck? LOL!

?06 Always visualizing himself as a James Bond-type (there are photos available of him and his former female ‘partner’ Teresa Radke, brandishing big guns (007-style) and displaying a leashed ferret – the mascot of the Ferret Investigative Service of Texas (FIST).

BUSTED: The fact of the matter is that Kenneth W. Treuter's adjunct State Licensed P.I. firm (State of Texas, license A-5173) which served his legal practice in Dallas, Texas was featured in P.I. Journal which was/is published in Ohio and he and his investigative agency were paid handsomely for the in-depth featured story published in its November, 1990 issue wherein photos (more to the liking of the 1960s "The Avengers" style than that of "007") were indeed published and then raved about by the magazine's readers.  Charles Richard Treuter, YOU LIE!

Kenneth W. Treuter is indeed an avid collector of James Bond/007 memorabilia and has been ever since his first reading of Ian Fleming's first 007 novel, Casino Royale which was first published in 1953. His collection is, to say the least, very extensive and includes such items as an original and intact 1960s "007 attaché case"; unopened bottles of "007" aftershave, hair tonic, and cologne; pristine copies of every Playboy magazine wherein Ian Fleming or "007" was featured; copies of possibly every other magazine wherein articles about "James Bond" were featured; Rolex and Omega watches featured in "007" films, copies of every first edition of every "007" novel thus far published - hardback editions with original dust covers, copies of every VCR and every DVD "007" movie/film; hundreds of autographed photos of actors and actresses who played "007" or his "Bond Girls"; three unopened bottles of Kina Lillet which were produced in 1953, 1970, and 1976; an unopened bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne, 1953 Vintage!; S.T. Dupont "007" unused cigarette lighter, pen, cufflinks; an unopened bottle of Floris No.89 Eau de Toilette; Persol 2720, Persol 2214, Persol 2762, and Calvin Kline 2007 sunglasses, a Zero Halliburton Special Ediditon Q4-PS, a Samsonite Xylem Business Case, a 1974 Gucci suitcase and a Swaine Adeney Brigg Bond Attaché Case; an Algerian Love Knot necklace by Sophie Harley; an unused 1964 Gillette Slim Handle Adjustable 1-9 Razor; an unopened bottle of Pinaud Elixer shampoo; a Douglas Pell money clip; and many more (too numerous to mention, much less list) "James Bond/"007" items. One can only imagine and dare to estimate the monetary value of Kenneth W. Treuter's collection.
Envy much, DocChuck? Me thinks so!

By the way, Kenneth W. Treuter's favorite martini 
is the Vesper - a photo of the same is shown above (no surprise, eh?)

?07 Although married to one Maria Borgus (an immigrant from mexico), he impregnated his former female partner, Teresa Radke, then REFUSED to contribute to the pregnancy expenses or to the support of the love-child. As a result, Teresa Radke, who eventually fled to Mountain View, Arkansas, SHOT Kenneth in the gut (and many say that he is ‘gutless’ – LOL). The ferret, named Holmes , has not been seen since.

BUSTED: Kenneth W. Treuter's wife of 45 years is a United States Citizen, bozo, and her name is not Maria Borgus, moron (you don't even know the name of your brother's wife but you email your brother slandering her, dumbass?). Teresa Radke did shoot Kenneth W. Treuter in the abdomen and elsewhere (three shots) in an attempt to murder him but under no circumstances even resembling the imagined ones you have described...try the fact that she did so at the bidding of either the Dallas Cowboys Football Team or the Dallas Police Department. Ms. Radke shot Mr. Treuter on December 22, 1992.

The Dallas Cowboy's management's beef with Kenneth W. Treuter was his exposing Michael Irvin's cocaine habit and his involvement with the death of one black "rookie of the year" cop by the name of Reginald House. The Dallas Police Department's beef with Kenneth was his exposing House for being in south Dallas where he and a homosexual hairdresser friend, Lenny Allen, went to steal illicit drugs from a teenage drug gang with the intent to take the drugs back with them and join Irvin and two of Irvin's female topless dancer companions and continue partying. The female topless dancers worked at the Cabaret Royale Club in Dallas.

Officer House was shot and killed when one of the gang members used a shotgun to deliver two shots into the off duty cop's personal vehicle in self defense after Mr. Allen had used House's police issued firearm to intimidate the gang members and threaten to kill them. One of the gang members who recognized House as a rouge cop who was known in that particular neighborhood as a known crack head would later testify that House frequented crack houses believing it would be safe for him to smoke crack cocaine without being discovered by other members of law enforcement.

Lenny Allen, the black homosexual hairdresser lost an eye from one of the shotgun blasts and laid in critical condition at Parkland hospital. When he awakened from the coma he had been in he corroborated everything that Kenneth W. Treuter's investigation had uncovered and released for the public's consumption. Needless to say, at that point in time it was to the great chagrin of the Dallas Police Department as a whole and the Dallas Police Chief in particular, that Treuter's investigation had outed the dead "rookie of the year" cop. Quickly after Allen's disclosures about the incident leading to Reginald House's death the Dallas Police Department referred to House as an rouge cop and removed him from the "pedestal" upon which he had been posthumously placed as a black police hero and an example to black teens in the south Dallas area. Additionally, the voices which had defended House and had also berated Kenneth W. Treuter suddenly became silent and unwilling to speak any further about the dead officer.

Homicide detectives are trying to unravel the circumstances surrounding the death of an off-duty Dallas police rookie who was found shot in his car early Sunday. Officer Reginald House, 29, was shot in the chest while he and a friend sat in House's car about a mile southwest of Dallas' Fair Park. House was not in uniform and not on duty at the time. He was pronounced dead at 2:21 a.m. at Parkland Memorial Hospital. The friend, Lenny Allen, 25, was shot in the neck and head and was hospitalized in critical condition.] [Byline: Associate Press DALLAS - Michael Irvin, the Dallas Cowboys' all time leading receiver and one of the NFL's most popular players was indicted on two counts of drug possession. Irvin and two female topless dancer companions were indicted less than a month after police found them in a motel room littered with cocaine and marijuana.]

Perhaps you had best/ought do better reasearch, DocChuck, or fire your "private investigative team". Where did they get their license? Probably from inside a Kellogg's Cereal box, lol. Where they get their training? Same place you got your "PhD"; i.e., their imaginations? ROTFALMAO. Your bullshit qualifies as Outright Lie No. 4.

?08 After being stripped of his license by the State of Texas, COLONEL Kenneth Wayne Treuter, Esquire, was forced to sell FIST to anyone who would take it, and one Jim Olsen agreed to pay the Colonel $250 for the 'agency':

BUSTED: Better check your "sources" again, "Doc"! Outright Lie No. 5. Kenneth W. Treuter, pursuant to Texas Law retired his Private Investigator's License when he sold his need to add some serious zeros to the amount you stated it was sold for, moron. The license, when retired, was in perfect standing with the State of Texas.

?09  KWT reportedly [YOU DON'T KNOW WHETHER OR NOT HE DID? CAN WE ALL SAY, "IT OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T HAPPEN!?"] contacted me because I resided in Arkansas at that time to seek out his former girlfriend Teresa Radke and her child, and “ ... deal with them.” Of course, I refused to have anything to do with his sordid affairs, or with him. I SHOULD have called the authorities, and I deeply regret that I did not.

BUSTED: Outright Lie No. 6, enough said.

Here is a sampling of opinions about Colonel Kenneth Wayne Treuter, Esquire, from some of the people Kenneth Wayne Treuter himself suggested to the media could vouch for his credibility (as reported by the Dallas Observer newspaper) :

?10 From a former prosecutor: "If Ken Treuter told me the sky was blue, I wouldn't believe him until I went outside and looked." 

BUSTED: What prosecutor? Where is he today...hint - dead...committed suicide by shooting himself in his head when law enforcement officers arrived at his home to arrest him! Sadly, he was caught posting solicitations on the Internet wanting to have sex with underage boys. Yeah, really a credible guy he was.  

?11 From a Dallas investigator: "All I can tell you is he is a liar. Watch him with both eyes."

BUSTED: Dallas Investigator? Who? Unnamed source, LOL?  

?12 From Irving police detective Myers: "You can't trust anything Ken Treuter tells you. Treuter is a scumbag, you can print that."   

BUSTED: The "detective" was removed from the force. Do you know when and why? Well, I do!  

?13 From a federal agent who has dealt with Treuter: "Everything he says makes for nice, juicy cloak-and-dagger (stuff)....but it's kind of like the old Wendy's commercial. When you get down and look beneath just the mere allegations, where's the beef? Where is there one scintilla of proof?"  

BUSTED: Who is that federal agent? Anyone know? It certainly wasn't any of the three FBI agents (Special Agents John McSwain, Robert Green, or David Fink) for whom Kenneth W. Treuter worked as a paid operative leading to Robert M. Rose and William D. Burrows convictions. Or any that led to several indictments of Dallas State District Judges, three Texas Sheriffs, Seven Police Officers (including a Chief), five Smith County, Texas commissioners, and the suicide of one former homosexual Kaufman County, Texas District Attorney, Bill Conradt.  

And the supposedly quoted "federal agent" wasn't any of those with whom Kenneth W. Treuter worked with in the late 1970s is a serious government corruption case in Smith County, Texas where numerous elected officials ended up becoming residents of the United States' Federal Prison System.  

?14 From Dallas Attorney Robert Rose: "That lying motherfu****."

BUSTED: Surprise, surprise! Robert Rose called Kenneth W. Treuter a lying motherfucker.

One might ask Mr. Rose how was his stint in Federal Prison? How did he like being disbarred from the practice of law? How did he like paying two very large fines? How did it feel having his house and vehicles (including a $250,000.00 converted Greyhound bus he called his party bus and his yacht named "Knot Guilty") all seized and confiscated? How did he like, after being paroled, working at a Las Vegas Casino where he was employed to stand outside the casino and pass out coupons? And all that came down on him despite his calling Kenneth W. Treuter a lying motherfucker when interviewed by a "journalist" with the free rag, Dallas Observer! Oh well. BTW, one might also wonder how Robert Rose felt about failing a lie detector/polygraph test he requested that he be given with regards to Kenneth W. Treuter's allegation that he had tried to hire his p.i. agency to assassinate a state witness against one of his clients.  

Robert Rose and William D. Burrows might also be questioned today as to what they thought about the quite sizable, nay, the quite L A R G E monetary reward paid to Kenneth W. Treuter on a percentage basis of the millions of dollars in fines collected from both Rose and Burrows. Did it piss them off? One could easily imagine it did. So much so that Burrows sued Kenneth W. Treuter for cooperating with both the FBI and IRS. Kenneth counter sued. Burrows lost his lawsuit and settled out of court with Kenneth with respect to the countersuit. One can only imagine how Burrows felt having to write Kenneth W. Treuter a check for a handsome amount in order to avoid trial of Kenneth's counter suit. And yes, that was the same William "David" Burrows who had been named by the ABA as the "winningest lawyer" in the United States. Perhaps he was but he lost big time when he took on Kenneth W. Treuter.  

?15 From Lisa Rose: "You don't know if anything is true coming from Ken."

BUSTED: Oh really? Well she certainly knows better now, eh?   Additionally, when Robert Rose asked to be polygraph by the FBI with respect to attempting to hire Kenneth W. Treuter to kill Lisa Rose, well, Mr. Rose failed the polygraph!  LOL, yes I suppose Lisa Rose thought differently thereafter.

?16  "Credibility, it seems, is not Colonel Kenneth Wayne Treuter, Esquire’s strong suit" (per The Dallas Observer newspaper).

 BUSTED:  Whoopee, the Dallas Observer, a free "underground" rag of a "newspaper" supported by ads for head, porn, and tattoo shops, as well as personal ads placed by queers wanting to hook up with queers and lesbians on the hunt for like-minded lesbians may have SEEMINGLY questioned Col. Treuter's credibility (A bit of the pot calling the kettle black?) 

Too funny, DocChuck. P.S. - Six years later the rag paper found itself insisting on how credible indeed Kenneth W. Treuter is. Oh, you failed to read that issue? ROTFALMAO!  Also, NBC's first reality t.v. series, UNSOLVED MYSTERIES, featured both Kenneth W. Treuter and his Texas Licensed investigation firm in its most watched segments which it ever produced and aired. The segment titled River Wild drew the largest television viewing audience in America the night it first aired and it went on to be aired for six or seven years running, even after UNSOLVED MYSTERIES had changed networks and then finally ceased to be produced. Nonetheless the Life Channel purchased some of the series' segments and River Wild was one of them and the most popular one among the lot.

?17  PS: You will notice that KWT and his "Anonymous" family members have been very busy fabricating postings since I found it necessary to provide links to the media and the authorities that have been following the saga of the 'Colonel.'  

BUSTED: Charles Richard Treuter evidently doesn't know or doesn't care (you would think his "lawyers" in D.C. would better advise him, but alas, they probably don't advise until AFTER they get paid...something else with which Charles Richard Treuter is unfamiliar - paying a bill instead of stiffing whomever he owes money to, including his deceased mother) that posting in other people's real names is illegal and as a tort constitutes theft of identity and is actionable. Further, his fraudulent posts in Kenneth W. Treuter's name and Douglas Vernon Treuter's name can be (and have been) traced back to his computer's i.p. address...what a dumbass!)

STAY TUNED READERS! You have The_Ferret's promise of much more to come in exposing DocChuck/Charles Richard Treuter for whom and what he is: sociopath, psychopath, pathological liar.