Thursday, April 29, 2010

O U C H, O U C H, O U C H, and O U C H!

Let's begin by taking a close look at several photos of "DocChuck"/Charles Richard Treuter and his wife which he has posted upon the World Wide Web: two of Doc Chuck and two of his "wife", "Dr." E/Liz/Elizabeth Ann (Jarvis) Treuter

Okay, now let's get another look at the (according to "DocChuck"/Charles Richard Treuter in his emails to his brother Kenneth W. Treuter and what he insists is true when he has sparred with fellow Internet bloggers) beautiful (?), vivacious (?), vibrant (?), young (?), and voluptuous (???) "Dr. E" as she sat at table about to dine near the Grand Canyon (no, not her mouth into which she was about to shovel her meal but the National Park).   Prior to our looking let's consider the fact that this is a supporter of the B HO(le) Kenyan usurper of our Republic's White House and Oval Office.  Let's also consider that she and "DocChuck"/Charles Richard Treuter are BIG (pun intended) supporters of the dimlibber organization, and the BO stench of dimlibberism and his agenda to have the government take over the food industry and regulate it so that obesity amongst Americans is completely eliminated.  Okay?  Alright let's dare to look:

Take another look at the above photograph (yes, The_Ferret understands that it's not all that easy to do so) and read "DocChuck's"/Charles Richard Treuter's accompanying words with respect to why he posted the photograph and then made reference to it: 
My dearest “Hamsterdance”:
Yes, indeed, that is my lovely wife, Liz. I call her simply “E.”  As you can tell, she is much younger than me. Ours is a lively May-December relationship, if you must ask.In that photo (which I took) Liz is enjoying a traditional cheese quasadilla with extra guacamole and sour cream.  
I had beef, of course, and a snifter of cognac. 
Please read my review of the restaurant here:  I am glad you find "E" as voluptuous and charming as I do! 
Excuse me, but I find all of the "Doc's" above tripe to not only be ludicrous but a reason to be ROTFALMAO!  Oh, and it gets better, very much so.
According to "DocChuck's/Charles Richard Treuter's" emails to Kenneth W. Treuter and his boastful claims on his MySpace pages and in numerous food site blogs, Charles Richard Treuter imagines that his "Dr. E" is a Medical Doctor who graduated from John Hopkins University of Medicine; a world renown neurologist, owner and operator of clinics here, there, most everywhere, including the U.K.; an employer of fellow M.D.s who bow to her and worship at her feet because of her astounding accomplishments and superior education and abilities (almost goddess like) and blah, blah, blah. 
BUSTED: "E/Liz" is a nurse, nothing more!  A nurse who happens to work in prisons!  Obviously she’s not the sharpest scalpel in the “O.R.,” otherwise she’d likely wouldn't be “married” to whom it is that she is  supposedly married and frankly, for a nurse, she's quite a porker/beached whale type that one might recognize as being  in need of Jane Fonda's caring enough to gently take her by a fin/arm or hand and lead her back to the ocean wherein she can spawn and contribute to saving the specie and frankly speaking, I, for one, cannot bring myself to think that she is best ever looking Mormon nurse, not by a long shot.   
Wow, Charles (DocChuck), I would think that the following string of what others have said and are saying in reply to your farcical claims must really has to be especially painful when your lies about your wife (poor creature) get exposed as part of your farce - damnation, don't you hate it when that happens and it comes back to bite you?:
That indian "food" looks like what my housecat Mr. Wiggles gave back to me after consuming a generous portion of Foie' de Volaille I had set out for a special cocktail party at my small horsefarm in Arkansas.
Well, you’re right about one part CockChug, there’s plenty of horse shit where you are.
Cocky’s special cocktail party was to accept a Lifetime Achievement Award from NAMBLA
Rudy McBagel:
You know the Police/FBI can never catch a rapist in Arkansas?
All the men have the same DNA and no dental records.
CockChug walks into a bar in Arkansas and says
“I’d like you to meet my wife and my sister”
And there’s only one woman with him
As a trained psychologist I am quite certain the the [sic] malevolent venom you are spewing is spawned by your deep-seated jealousy of my fabulous wealth and success.  And possibly even my wife's ample bosom. Right now as I type this, my wife and I are in South Dakota where we have just finished a closing on a 70 room Best Western Motel to add to our substantial real estate portfolio.  I hope that hearing this does not put you over the edge (as we say in the business).  If so, acquiesce, as I sincerely doubt that professional help would do you people any good.
Rudy McBagel:
Motel in the tourist magnet that is the Dakotas.
Hilton Family must be shitting themselves.
CockChug’s wife walks into a bar in South Dakota with a pig under her arm
Bartender asks “Where’d you get the cow?”
CockChug’s wife says “Are you blind? He’s not a cow, he’s a pig!”
Bartender says “I was talking to the pig”
Rudy McBagel:
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Except, you know…. and his thai wife, Tingtong.
Slappy Schimmelfarb:
Old DocChuck still trying to impress internets strangers. What a sad dude. Doc lives in a rented townhouse, drives an economy car and couldn’t afford a picture of a hotel in SD.
DocChuKKK your wife really does have a ample bossom. That tends to happen when you are an old fat whitelady. Look for yourself MidtownLunch’rs:
Slappy Shimmelgarb:
Nice shot Hampster! See how he labels pictures of his wife “Dr. E” despite fact she is actually a nurse? Sad, sad, sad.
She’s not a nurse, she’s a laser hair removal specialist!!
She also has more chins than a Chinese telephone book
The demonstrative comments by Meghan Baxter are ONE of the reasons my wife and I will NOT eat in a restaurant. The  otther TWO reasons are low quality/high prices, AND very questionable sanitation standards at every level of the restaurant process, INCLUING server’s personal hygiene.  We  never have to worry about “splitting the bill” when cooking and serving gourmet meals at home.
DocChuck and Liz, LPN
DocChuck’s wife:
and as long as DocChuck remembers to regularly change the duct tape that he uses to strap his overflowing catheter bag to his leg, we won’t be thrown out of our beloved Applebees for causing them some sanitation issues. On a related note, we are no longer welcome at the local TGIFridays since the day DocChuck decided to take his blow-up doll (who he calls “Elizabeth”, and sometimes “Momma”, if such things excite you) to dinner with him on a night when I was unavailable due to an emergency dog hair removal issue. I don’t understand their concern, as she was dressed as a catholic nun, a very respectable profession.
My dearest “Hamsterdance”:
Yes, indeed, that is my lovely wife, Liz. I call her simply “E.”  As you can tell, she is much younger than me. Ours is a lively May-December relationship, if you must ask.   In that photo (which I took) Liz is enjoying a traditional cheese quasadilla with extra guacamole and sour cream.   I had beef, of course, and a snifter of cognac.  Please read my review of the restaurant here:
I am glad you find "E" as voluptuous and charming as I do!
~~Chuck, PhD
DocChuck's blow-up doll:
What’s REALLY lively is when all the congealed sweat normally held deep in the many rolling pockets of fat on DocChuck’s wife start flying around like a rancid, sticky typhoon when she gets naked and does the gstring dance. Think “wet junkyard dog shakin himself out after a romp in a cesspool” only a dozen times worse. Sadly, I cannot close my eyes, nose, or O-shaped mouth when this happens.
Mrs. CockChug needs to lay off the cheese, guac, sour cream, nachos, fritos, doritos and every other high-fat, high-carb food under the sun. In fact, she should be on a water diet. You too, Cocky. Both of you porkers need to stop putting things in your mouth.
DocChuck’s blow-up doll:
Could you convince him to stop putting things in MY mouth…and other regions, as well?
In real life, “DocChuck’s” wife Elizabeth is a prison nurse.
See here:
Charles R.:
Why would the docs wife be working as a prison nurse when she graduated from medical school?
Oh docchuck…what a tangled web…
She never went to medical school, silly. Doc (Charles Treuter) made that up.
If you look at the Maryland Board of Nursing (here:, you’ll see she’s an RN.
She was a nurse in a prison in Arkansas before this.
99% of what Doc writes is fictional bullcrap, if that excites you.
Doc made up that nauseating fictional MySpace profile of his wife, too.
This is what she really looks like:
Charles R.:
Are you sure he makes things up? When I knew Charlie back when we were cell mates in prison in Arkansas ( other than his disdain for The Baxter Bulletin, and the First Federal Savings and Loan he seemed like a pretty stable guy.
Forget that old Covenantnews archive. It’s only a brief summary.
Get the fuller story of Chuck’s diseased mind here (scroll to the “I don’t own the dog” post):
Charles R.:
Very interesting! What a sad little man the old doc really is.
DocChuck, the bottom line is:
Rudy McBagel:
they both look like pittbulls chewing a wasp
Sly Raccoon:
If Docchucks such a fraud where does he get his money from? Like for that butt ugly car he bought his nurse-wife.
Yo, Sly Raccoon (interestingly enough the "Doc"/Charles Richard Treuter refers to himself as a smug raccoon...isn't it, especially since Charles Treuter is so prolific at creating new "identities" [fraudulent ones] everywhere he goes on the Internet - but hey, Charles, I mean Sly, let's set that aside for the moment) you may find the answer to your question in:
1.) Questioning if he really bought that "vehicle" for Dr. Elizabeth Treuter, M.D. (world renown neurologist) inasmuch as he's posted no photos of her in the car or driving it or having it parked at their rented apartment...could it be a photo of someone else's Jaguar?...a cut and paste job from the internet as are so many of his "travel" photos and "cooking photos"?...another of his bullshit claims and outright lies?
2.) Read through the following blog page: and paying particular attention to Charles Richard Treuter's/Daddy Warbucks' November 9, 2009 email sent to his brothers, Kenneth and Douglas Treuter, at 202 PM on that Monday.
Good reading to you! I'd think you might want to really peruse through all the pages of that site in order to determine if Charles R. Treuter/DocChuck, et. al. is indeed the FRAUD that he is indeed.

Dear Readers, please stay tuned - there's much more to come. Like the saying goes, "The opera ain't over until the fat lady sings" and thus far The_Ferret hasn't yet detected so much as some slight humming coming from her...however, The_Ferret's investigation has certainly located and put the spotlight on the F A T "lady" in Charles Treuter's farcical opera.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Continuation Of Busting Charles Richard Treuter's Innuendos and Outright Lies

The "Doc"/Charles Richard Treuter is spinning in the wind from having read this blog and is now spinning his My Space Page's blog originally posted on Sunday, April 25, 2010 and has EDITED it because of his having been BUSTED in detail with the above Blog post.

Charles Treuter knows he is facing a lawsuit for libel and defamation which awaits being filed against him for what he has knowingly, willingly, intentionally, and with reckless disregard and gross negligence posted on the World-Wide-Web (each post has been copied and filed to be used as evidence) wanting and/or desiring to defame both Kenneth W. Treuter and his wife. None of his libelous/defaming statements have been posted as mere opinion but as fact(s) when he had to have known and/or should have known (he claims he has investigators working for him to build a file for his "lawyers" with respect to Kenneth W. Treuter and his wife) that such statements were baseless and were, in fact, lies.

You've read the original post before the "Doc" began to doctor/spin it. And it was posted here and rebutted/BUSTED so, hoping to somehow lessen the impact of the aforesaid posts which have been read and were never deleted or edited/modified, Charles Richard Treuter (as well as DocChuck and his many handles/aliases) is now attempting to worm out of what he knows he has done and the harm he has caused. It won't work! And at best what the loose cannon known as Charles Richard Treuter (and his aka's) is now attempting to do is known as self-serving and too little, too late.

As an example, for Charles Treuter to now refer to Kenneth W. Treuter's wife as lovely (while still purposely not using her actual name, the only one she has ever used or been known by) instead of a Mexican WHORE (with an anchor baby) who SHOT Kenneth Treuter simply won't work). Again, he is herein BUSTED. Kenneth Treuter's wife was never a whore, is fully a citizen of the United States of America, never had an "anchor baby", never illegally immigrated to the United States (actually, she came to United States as a special congressional interest case fully sponsored by then United States Congressman George Herbert Walker Bush - review her "immigration" file...yes, the same George H.W. Bush who later served as the 41st President of the United States).

Perhaps DocChuck/Charles Richard Treuter really does need to seriously consider hiring a better private investigation agency/company than the hacks he has supposedly hired. Obviously, they are no more capable, able, or worth their fee than Charles Richard Treuter's D.C. Jewish hounds/lawyers...being paid by Elizabeth Ann (Jarvis) Treuter (the nurse) - according to Charles Richard Treuter's words (for whatever they're worth...not much!)

Charles Richard Treuter now writes/blogs: Interestingly, the Dallas authorities refused to prosecute Ms. Radke for shooting KWT (some accounts report that he was shot THREE times or more). BUSTED: An outright lie! Ms. Radke's having the case against her dismissed by Kenneth W. Treuter out of sympathy for her illicit drug habits included amongst other requirements that she leave the State of Texas and remain gone. If she should return or have any contact with Kenneth Treuter she would have the case (along with a DWI charge and a felony firearm violation charge) reinstated and prosecuted.

Once again, the "Doc" is long on disinformation, misinformation, lack of facts, lies, innuendo, ignorance, and spewing but short on anything resembling the truth or reality. One can rightly wonder if the "Doc" also has a "doctorate"/PhD in spinning tales birthed within his vivid imagination - as twisted as it is.

Charles Richard Treuter's imagination led him to write: Despite his marriage to the lovely Maria (and her baby from mexico), he impregnated his former female partner, Teresa Radke, then REFUSED to contribute to the pregnancy expenses or to the support of the love-child. BUSTED: Not only a complete and blatant lie it is meritless and wholly baseless, libelous, and easily debunked by both the State of Texas and State of Arkansas court records...what the hell are those Jewish hounds/lawyers and that "P.I. Agency" smoking?, pot? cocaine? magic mushrooms? or all three?, LOL! Yeah, real legal professionals.

Kenneth W. Treuter's academic degrees have one and all been awarded by fully licensed and accredited universities. Further his degrees were earned and not fabricated out of his imagination...the same most certainly can't be truthfully said of Charles Richard Treuter's claimed PhD in Psychology or his wife's Medical Degree.  Update:  Charles Richard Treuter can't decide if he wants to refer to Kenneth's degrees as on-line or mail order degrees in hopes of denigrating them, so he keeps changing his reference to them.  Were he not the moron that he is he'd know (along with Al Gore that Al Gore DID NOT INVENT THE INTERNET and that Ambassador College was a residence college/university with campuses in California, Texas, and England.  LaSalle Extension University was a fully accredited distance learning university and was also fully licensed as well as accredited.  Further, the school operated since the early 1900s until its demise in 2000.  Further still, the Internet didn't exist in the '60s or '70s...geeze what an imbecile!)

While backpedaling from his previous absurd attempts to discredit Kenneth W. Treuter, the mentally deranged DocChuck has now changed his previous statement that Kenneth W. Treuter sold his P.I. Agency (which employed an office staff and field investigative staff totaling seventeen employees when Kenneth W. Treuter retired his license after the agency had been in business for well over a decade) from $250.00 to: "After being stripped of his license [a libelous and actionable lie] by the State of Texas, COLONEL Kenneth Wayne Treuter, Esquire, was forced to sell FIST to anyone who would take it, and one Jim Olsen agreed to pay the Colonel $2.5 million for the 'agency' [did a little more research, did he?, good, he needs to do a great deal more!]:".

Again, the reader is invited to stayed tuned for more BUSTING of Charles Richard Treuter's rants and raves and libelous lies. This investigator will keep it coming and you can bet on the fact that this investigator will Keep It Real, "Doc"!

Is DocChuck/Charles Richard Treuter A Liar?

Is Charles Richard Treuter, aka DocChuck, a liar?

Well, plain and simple he is! And to support that factual allegation one need only to examine his My Space Profile Page to see that he is. Soooo, let's do that:


  • 1975 to 1975
    Graduated: N/A
    Student status: Alumni
    Degree: Ph D.
    Major: Psychology
    Clubs: American Psychological Association (APA)

    1965 to 1973
    Graduated: N/A
    Student status: Alumni
    Degree: Postdoctoral
    Major: Higher Education
    Minor: Psychology
    Clubs: The Daily Cougar (Editor)

    1961 to 1963
    Graduated: 1963
    Student status: Alumni
    Degree: Associate's Degree
    Major: Electrical Engineering
    Clubs: Student Council, Physics Club, Archaeological Society, Campus Newspaper Editor, Army ROTC (Company Commander), 'Who's Who'*
    Greek: Phi Theta Kappa This one calls for a double BUSTING!!!  Why so?  Well, let's look at this formerly very tiny little institute (not a university) which has only recently become a "college" and try that "Greek" on for size:  History:  Captain Charles Schreiner founded Schreiner Institute in 1917 and worked toward its establishment until 1923. The military institute was created for young boys and included both secondary school and Junior College curriculum to prepare the students for further education. The year of 1971 marked the end of the military training used by the Institute. In 1973, it began using only college curriculum and changed its name to Schreiner College. The college experience changed again in 1982 when it became a four-year college. Not until 2001 (Charles' claim is that he attended this "Texas' most prestigious "private junior college" when?, in 1961-1963, a good long while before 2001!!!) did the college become Schreiner University and begin offering master's degrees.   Greek life began at Schreiner with the chartering of the sorority Delta Phi Epsilon established its Gamma Gamma chapter on January 25, 2003. On May 2 of the same year [2003], Phi Delta Theta established its Texas Sigma chapter, being the first Fraternity to be officially chartered with 26 founding fathers. Greek life had made a foray onto campus earlier on February 21, 2001, when Chi Phi Fraternity founded a colony at Schreiner University. However, the colony was not chartered into the Iota Theta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity until 2005. On March 25, 2006 Theta Epsilon chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha was installed, becoming the second sorority on campus.  Now Charles Richard Treuter really did accomplish an incredible feat in that he claims he was a member of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity at what was then a non-accredited Presbyterian Church INSTITUTION (not college or university in 1961-1963 which HAD NO "GREEK LIFE" - until when?  2003).  B U S T E D 2 Xs "Doc"/Charles.  Details, Chuck, details! that's where the devil is found!

    Reagan H S
    Graduated: 1960
    Student status: Alumni
    Degree: High School Diploma
    Major: Science; Math Track
    Clubs: National Honor Society, Army ROTC (Lt. Colonel), PMS&T Citation, The Math Club, Swim Team, Golf Club. MORE at:

    UPDATE:  Charles Richard Treuter had removed the above farcical school/schooling claims from his MySpace Profile Page after this blog began to expose him for the pathological liar that he is.  However,  on May 11, 2010 he  reposted it and everyone who knows him can verify what a web of lies, frauds, and insane imaginings he's posted.  The most glaring one is his claim to have earned a PhD in psychology from the University of Texas in 1975 when in fact he was working for a KMart store in another state.  Charles Richard Treuter remained out of Texas from the late 1960s through the whole of the 1970s and half of the 1980s.

    * How very sad and pathetic! 

    One university student recently asked about having his name in a Who's Who of university students and then buying the book for $50: "Is this something that I can list on my C.V. without being laughed or sneered at?" 

    The answers poured into him and it was unanimously decided that adding it to one's Resume or C.V. ranks right down there with listing that you are a member of the National Geographic Society and you can probably get the same satisfaction from looking up yourself in the phone book.

    Here's an interesting story about the matter:

    I got nominated into Who's Who's for Prof Women in Nursing!

    Well, I just got this mail telling me that I am a candidate to be in the Manchester Who's Who Among Executive and Professional Women in Nursing and Healthcare. The letter went on to say that on April 12th, my candidacy was approved.

    What else, it has strict criteria like "base on a candidate's current position, and usually with information obtained from researched executive and professional listing..."

    Let's see... I am not even a nurse. Actually I am not even a nursing student. I am a pre-nursing student. Plus the obvious, I am a man!

    I think I'll frame this...

    And here's an interesting link which debunks the Who's Who myth which the ever narcissistic Charles Richard Treuter fell for and swallowed - hook, line and sinker:
